This is work completed for an assignment for Ashford University's CPT200: Fundamentals of Programming Languages


The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color, as shown here:
  • Red and blue = purple
  • Red and yellow = orange
  • Blue and yellow = green
#Note: The assignment called for lists to be used but I opted for a tuple because I don't think the primary colors are changing any time soon. 

primary_colors = ('red', 'yellow', 'blue')
user_input = ''

print('*                                                         *')
print('*      Welcome to the Color Mixer!      *')
print('*                                                         *')

def get_color(ordinal):
    color = input(f'{ordinal} primary color: \t').lower()
    if color in primary_colors:
        return color
        print('Invalid entry, please enter red, yellow, or blue')
        return get_color(ordinal)

def mix_colors(color1, color2):
    print('\nMixing colors...')
    if color1 == color2:
        return color1.capitalize()
    elif (color1 == 'red' and color2 == 'blue') or (color1 == 'blue' and color2 == 'red'):
        return 'Purple'
    elif (color1 == 'yellow' and color2 == 'blue') or (color1 == 'blue' and color2 == 'yellow'):
        return 'Green'
        return 'Orange'

def display_results(color1, color2, mixed_color):
    print(f'{color1.capitalize()} and {color2.capitalize()} = \t{mixed_color}\n')

def keep_going():
    global user_input
        user_input = input("Enter 'q' to quit or press any other key to continue mixing colors: \t")[0:1].lower()
        print('Invalid entry!')

while user_input != 'q':
    print('\nPlease enter two primary colors (red, yellow, blue).')
    color1 = get_color('First')
    color2 = get_color('Second')
    result = mix_colors(color1, color2)
    display_results(color1, color2, result)


Ideas for Rework and expansion:
  • I like the idea of importing colorama and formatting the output so that there is some actual color involved. 
  • I've seen this done using dictionaries and lists for comparison, could refactor it to accomodate that. 

Hope this helps, leave me feedback if you'd like to see something specific!

Python has many different containers available, here we'll cover a couple of them
Containers are objects “which contain references to other objects instead of data” and are used to group related variables together (3.2)
There are many types of containers to include:
  • lists
  • dictionaries
  • tuples
  • and more…
Lists are Python’s version of arrays and are declared using square brackets []. Lists are ordered sequences that can hold a variety of object types (not limited to a single type). For instance,
my_list = [‘one’, 2, 3.0]]
holds a string, an int, and a float.
Lists support indexing, where elements are accessed by their sequential order, starting from 0. In the above example:
  • my_list[0] holds a value of ‘one’
  • my_list[1] holds a value of 2
  • my_list[2] holds a value of 3.0
Objects in a list can also be referenced from right to left:
  • my_list[0] holds a value of ‘one’
  • my_list[-1] holds a value of 3.0
  • my_list[-2] holds a value of 2
Lists also support slicing, which is sort of like an expanded capability of indexing. The syntax for slicing is:
Like slicing with strings, slicing of list enables you to grab a subsection of the sequential objects using indexes.
my_nums = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
>> [0,1,2,3,4]  
#Note that this goes up to but does not include the stop index
#Step is hoe many indexes are skipped with each iteration

>> [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
#Using only a step value of -1 returns the list reversed 
>> [0,3,6,9]

In contrast to list, dictionaries are unordered mappings for storing objects. Dictionaries store objects in key-value pairs wherein the key is a string which is used to retrieve its associated value.
Consider a dictionary of object – price key-value pairs:
menu_prices = {‘cheesburger’:2.99, ‘dbl_cheeseburger’: 3.99,’bacon_cheeserburger’: 3.49, ‘bacon_dbl_cheeseburger’: 4.49}
>> 3.49

Unlike lists, dictionaries do not support indexing or slicing, which is really the deciding factor in whether to use a list or a dictionary. It comes down to whether you need/intend to use indexing/slicing.
Like lists, dictionaries can contain multiple object types simultaneously, to include nested dictionaries and nested lists. 
Both lists and dictionaries are mutable, meaning the values can be changed. 

Python variables do not need explicit declaration to reserve memory space. 

Here I will:
  • Describe the difference between explicit typed variables and implicit typed variables using examples.
  • In large scale applications, explain whether or not explicit declaration has a better impact over implicit declaration.

Type expression can be either explicit or implicit. 

  • Explicit typed variables are manually set. That is their type is stated clearly and in detail.
  • Implicit typed variables are typed by their context. 

Is there any performance difference?

Strictly speaking, there shouldn't be much (if any) performance difference when it comes to the use of implicit declaration vs explicit declaration in large scale applications.
The key is that variables don't have types, per se - values do. In Python, variables aren't so much declared (as in other languages), rather variables are assigned a name. 
  • If I were to say myint = 5, then I should be able to infer pretty easily that x is an int. 
  • Similarly, myfloat = 2.0 is quite clearly a floating point number. 
  • And mystring = "I'm a string" is quite clearly a string. 

With all that said...

I've always been under the impression that explicit typing lends itself toward easier maintainability of code, which is important when the majority of the work done on code is maintenance. 
Honestly, I think this will be my first time grappling with a dynamically typed language and the paradigm shift is...interesting. 

What are your thoughts?